How are store listings synced in Sumtracker as products

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The products and variants on your store are automatically synced to Sumtracker. Whenever you create a product on your store, or update its SKU, it will be automatically synced to Sumtracker.

Please note: If you create a product on Sumtracker, it will not be created on your store.

does not update only updates

How does Sumtracker sync your listings?

Sumtracker fetches data for all listings having SKUs from your online stores. Once all the listings from the online store are fetched you will be able to view them in Sumtracker and manage inventory for them.

For Shopify stores - Only Active products that have SKUs are synced to Sumtracker by default. You can change the settings in Sumtracker to sync Draft products from Shopify as well. 

Once connected, Sumtracker will keeping fetching any new products you create on your online stores and also fetch any updates you do to existing products.

For Shopify and WooCommerce, Sumtracker will update the information of products instantaneously. As soon as you edit any product on these platforms, Sumtracker will fetch that information.
For BigCommerce, Sumtracker updates product information every 30 minutes. 

For marketplaces like Etsy, Amazon and eBay there can be a delay of upto 12 hours before the new updated information is available in Sumtracker. This delay is because of the restriction in APIs of these platforms. You can however, manually sync the listings at any time through the 'Refresh' button in Store list widget on Dashboard.

How are products linked together across stores?

Sumtracker strictly operates on SKUs. Blue Jeans - Medium" BLUEJEANSM

If for any reason you create another variant on Shopify called "Blue Jeans - Medium Special Edition" but in reality it is the same physical product for you. You can give this variant the same sku "BLUEJEANSM" and sumtracker will detect this and link the new Shopify variant with the existing product in Sumtracker with the same sku. Now this sku will be linked to 4 listings in Sumtracker.

You can see how many listings a product is linked to from the product list page

Or opening the product details page and going to the listings tab

What information is saved in the product?

Sumtracker fetches several information from the online listings. For example Sumtracker will fetch:

  • sku
  • name
  • variant name
  • image url

For all listings the above fields are kept in sync with the information available on the online store. For Shopify, Sumtracker also fetches the barcode, product type and tags. For BigCommerce, Sumtracker saves inventory warning levels and cost prices as well. When the value of any of the above fields is changed on the online store, Sumtracker will fetch and save that information.

How is inventory updated for listings with duplicate SKU?

SKU is an important field for Sumtracker because using the SKU, Sumtracker will link the online listing with the product in Sumtracker which has the same SKU. If more than 1 listing has the same SKU they will be linked to the same product in Sumtracker and the inventory for all such listings will be updated from that common product in Sumtracker. For example if the stock for SKU "BLUEJEANSM" is 21 in Sumtracker, the inventory for all listings with the same SKU will become 21.

What happens when you create or edit a SKU?

When you edit the SKU of an online listing, Sumtracker will first check if the new SKU already exists within Sumtracker. If it does the listing you just edited will be linked to the already existing product in Sumtracker.

If the new SKU does not exist in Sumtracker and the product in Sumtracker is just linked to a single online listing, the product in Sumtracker will be updated with the new SKU value.

If the new SKU does not exit in Sumtracker and the product in Sumtracker is linked to more than 1 online listing, Sumtracker will create a new product with the new SKU. The new product which just got created will have 0 stock because it is new. So it is recommended that when you change the SKU of an online listing, you should check the stock for that SKU in Sumtracker. And then set the stock for that SKU to the required value.