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How does Sumtracker Sync Etsy Listings?
How does Sumtracker Sync Etsy Listings?
Nidhis A D avatar
Written by Nidhis A D
Updated over a week ago

Types of Listings on Etsy

There are three types of listings on Etsy:

  1. Active Listings:

    • Active listings are available for sale on your Etsy shop.

    • These listings can be synced with Sumtracker for inventory management.

  2. Inactive Listings:

    • Inactive listings are not available for sale on your Etsy shop.

    • When the stock of a product becomes 0 in Sumtracker, the corresponding listing on Etsy is marked as inactive.

    • Inactive listings can be made Active again when the stock is updated in Sumtracker.

    • Etsy does not charge to make an inactive listing active again.

  3. Sold Out Listings:

    • The listing is marked as sold out when its inventory reaches 0 through a sale on Etsy platform

    • They need to be made active again by paying the listing fees

    • Sumtracker auto-renews sold out listings by default. You can turn the auto-renew setting off in Sumtracker.

Syncing existing Listings from Etsy to Sumtracker

SKU is required

Products on Etsy must have a SKU in order to be synced with Sumtracker. If you have products on Etsy without SKUs, you can copy their names into the SKU field to ensure they are synced to Sumtracker.

Only Active and Inactive listings are synced

Only active and inactive listings are synced from Etsy. Sold out listings are not synced with Sumtracker. If any of your Etsy listings are not syncing to Sumtracker, please check their status and ensure they are either active or inactive.

  • Multi-currency listings: If you have multi-currency listings on Etsy, they will be updated to use the base currency price of all currencies. This is because of limitations in the Etsy platform. If you do not want to use the base currency price for all currencies, you cannot use Sumtracker.

  • Vacation mode: Product syncing from Etsy to Sumtracker does not work when your Etsy shop is in vacation mode. This is a restriction imposed by Etsy.

Creating a new listing

You always have to create the new listings on Etsy. They will be synced to Sumtracker automatically. You can fetch the new listings manually through the Hard Refresh Listings button under Store list on Dashboard.

If you assign it a new SKU it will be created in Sumtracker as a new product.

If you assign it a SKU that already exists in Sumtracker, it will be linked to the existing product in Sumtracker.

Inventory of the product has to be updated on Sumtracker. It will be pushed by Sumtracker to your Etsy listing.

When does the Etsy listing go to inactive state?

When the stock of a product becomes 0 in Sumtracker, the corresponding listing on Etsy is marked as inactive. Inactive listings are not available for sale on your Etsy shop unless they are made active again by updating their stock to a positive number.

With Etsy API, we can only take following actions for the listing

  • inactive state when out of stock

  • active state when back in stock

If the listing goes to inactive state, Sumtracker can make it active and update its stock when you add its inventory in Sumtracker. You won't be charged by Etsy to make an inactive listing active again.

For listings with multiple variants, if the stock for all variants is 0, then the listing is made inactive. However, if there is at least one variant with positive stock, the listing will remain active.

When does the Etsy listing go to sold out state?

If a product is sold on Etsy and its inventory reaches 0, the Etsy listing will automatically be marked as sold out. To make a sold out listing active again, it needs to be renewed by paying a renewal fees to Etsy.

Maximum Stock Limits on Etsy

The maximum stock allowed on Etsy is 999. If the inventory of any product in Sumtracker exceeds 999, it will be shown as 999 on Etsy.

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