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Products in Sumtracker
Products in Sumtracker
Nidhis A D avatar
Written by Nidhis A D
Updated this week

How are products created in Sumtracker?

When you connect your store Sumtracker will automatically fetch all the listings/variants which have the SKUs. If two or more listings have the same SKU, they will be linked to the same product in Sumtracker.

Refer to this article for an in depth discussion on how listings are synced and updated in Sumtracker: How does Sumtracker data sync work?

Products can also be directly created in Sumtracker. These are not pushed to the online store. You can create products in Sumtracker for internal inventory tracking. These products may be the ones

  • that you do not sell online, but want to track their inventory

  • that are only sold as part of a bundle online, not separately. So you don't need to have their listing online.

If you create a listing on your store with the same SKU as an existing product in Sumtracker, the listing will be automatically linked to the existing product.

Create and edit products in Sumtracker

Step 1 - Click on Add New Product from Product List

Step 2 - Fill the new Product fields

Only Name and SKU are mandatory. Save the form to create the product.

Creating a product in Sumtracker will not create it on your online stores like Shopify or eBay.

All other fields are optional. All fields in the product form are explained below this section.

After saving the form, the product gets created. You can open the Product List to see the product you just created.

Edit a product by clicking on Product SKU in Product List

Click on the product image or product name in the product table

Create products in bulk using a CSV file

Click here to download the create products sample template.

Step 1 - Fill in the required columns as explained below

You can leave the category, variant_name columns blank. To unset the alert threshold leave the column blank. Cost and close_at_quantity are mandatory but you can enter 0 as the value if you do not want to set them.

Step 2 - Save the file in CSV format and Import the file

Edit products in bulk using a CSV file

Step 1 - Export the Product List

Step 2 - Edit products data in the downloaded sheet

Do not change or delete the id column for editing existing products.

It is highly recommended to use google drive for editing the exported products CSV file.

You can change the following fields - Name, SKU, Barcode, UOM, Category, Tracking type, Alert Threshold, Close at quantity and Notes.

The stock fields are read only. They will not have any impact on the stock in the system when you import the sheet.

Step 3 - Save the file in CSV format and Import the file

All Product fields explained

Editable fields which are used to create or update product




Name should be descriptive and unique. Sumtracker fetches the name of the product from the online listing. For products you create in Sumtracker the name can be anything which helps you identify the product.


Also called stock keeping unit, should be unique. SKU is very important field in Sumtracker. When you connect your online store Sumtracker will automatically fetch all the listings / variants from your store and save them in Sumtracker. Listings which have duplicate SKU will linked to the same product in Sumtracker for common inventory.

Variant Name

Variant name describes which variant is this product for. For example you can have 3 variants for a t-shirt with sizes M, L and S. The variant name for the S size will be "S".


Also called unit of measure. Can be values like kg, m, pcs. The stock quantity is in this UOM. For most products the UOM is assumed to be pcs unless you set it to a different value.


In Sumtracker, you have the flexibility to categorize your products according to your own preferences. The category field allows you to filter and organize data effectively. For instance, if you want to view sales specifically for "Chairs," you can easily do so by filtering based on the category.

Sumtracker also supports the addition of multiple categories for your products. This means you can assign more than one category to a single product, allowing for comprehensive organization and filtering.

When it comes to integrating with BigCommerce and Shopify, there are a few things to note. For BigCommerce, the categories are automatically copied from the category field in your products. All categories associated with a product in BigCommerce will be copied over to Sumtracker.

On the other hand, for Shopify, the Category field is updated from the Product Type field in Shopify products.

Any categories you add in Sumtracker will not be overridden by updates made in BigCommerce or Shopify. Your categories in Sumtracker will remain intact and independent.

If you prefer to add categories in bulk, you can do so by using comma-separated values in an excel file. When you import this file into Sumtracker, any new categories will be automatically created.


You can add a barcode if you want to search products using barcodes. Barcodes are printed on the product packaging by the manufacturer.

Barcodes are automatically updated from Barcode field on Shopify and from UPC field on BigCommerce. You can add them in Sumtracker if you do not maintain them on Shopify or BigCommerce.

Alert Threshold

When inventory of the product reaches this quantity at any warehouse, it will be included in the low stock report. For example if you set the alert threshold as 10 and the stock is 9 at a particular warehouse, then you will receive a low stock alert email from Sumtracker for the product along with warehouse code. If the stock reaches above 10 the low stock alert will not include that product in the report.

Alert threshold cannot be added for a bundle. You have to add the alert thresholds for the bundle components instead.

Lead Time
​(in days)

The amount of time it takes between placing a purchase order for this product and receiving it in stock. Lead time is used in reports to suggest the appropriate time to order a product from its supplier.

Close at Quantity

When inventory of product reaches this quantity, it will be marked as sold out on all stores. For example you have the close at quantity as 2 for a product called black pants. When the stock for black pants reaches 2 Sumtracker will update the stock for black pants as 0 on the online store. This is done to prevent over selling a product if the product has many duplicate listings or is added to many bundles.

For Shopify, Close at quantity is applied warehouse wise. So if you have 2 warehouses, then the product will be marked as out of stock based on inventory in each warehouse. Lets say Close at quantity is 10. Inventory at warehouse A is 9 and warehouse B is 12. Then the product will be marked as out of stock on the location linked with warehouse A.

Close at quantity can be set for both bundle and normal products. If you have set close at quantity for components of a bundle, it will not determine when a bundle is marked as out of stock. You have to set the Close at quantity for the bundle separately.

Cost per Item/unit
​(in default currency)

Cost per unit is included in certain reports like Stock valuation and cost of goods sold. Cost is automatically updated on receiving items in PO. It is calculated as the landed cost for each product.


This is the product's default tax rate that will be picked while creating purchase orders.


Any notes you want to include about the product.

Inventory Sync

Can turn on or off. If the inventory sync is turned off for a product, its inventory will not be updated on your online store by Sumtracker.


The image is fetched from your online listings. You can also upload the image using upload image button on the edit product page.

Non Editable (read only) fields included in the bulk excel export

Sumtracker supports bulk excel export of all the products. Some of the columns in the excel are read only. Which means when you do editing in the excel data changes in the below columns will be ignored.

Column name



Id is the unique identifier of the product which Sumtracker assigns to the product. This cannot be edited.

For all existing products which were exported in the excel data, the value of the id field will be present and must remain as is.

For any new products you want to create you have to leave the id column blank.

In Stock

This the physical stock you have in your warehouse. If you have multiple locations this is the sum of "in stock" quantity value of all warehouses.


This is the unfulfilled quantity which the quantity you have in your Open orders. If you have multiple locations this is the sum of "booked" quantity value of all warehouses.


This is the available to sell quantity. Available qty = In Stock - Booked. If you have multiple locations this is the sum of "Available" quantity value of all warehouses.


This is the quantity which is due in purchase orders. For example if you have created a PO for 10 quantity and 4 have been received. The incoming quantity will be 6. If you have multiple warehouses this is the sum of "Incoming" quantity value of all warehouses.

Bundle type

A product can be a normal selling product or a bundle. The value of bundle type will be NONE for a normal selling product and "BUNDLE" for a bundle product.

Is archived

If you are not selling a product anymore or if the product is not needed, you can mark the product as archived. The value for this field will be "True" if the product is marked as archived. Check this guide on how to archive products.

Total cost

This is the total value of the product which calculated by multiplying the in stock quantity by cost.

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