If you are removing a warehouse from Sumtracker and want to transfer its inventory to another warehouse, here are the steps:
Step 1: Export the warehouse stock from Stock by Location page
Select the warehouse you want to remove and export its inventory
Step 2: Prepare the stock sheet to import in Stock Transfer form
Click here to download the sample import file for Stock transfer form.
From the stock by location file, copy the SKUs in the 'sku' column and the In Stock values in the 'quantity' column in the sample import file.
Step 3: Go to Adjust Stock > Stock Transfer > New Upload File
Select the from and to warehouses and upload the file from Step 2
At this step all the stock is transferred from the warehouse you want to remove
You can only upload 5000 products in a single import. If you have more than 5000 products, you could split the number of products into multiple CSV files and upload them.
Step 4: Archive the warehouse (if needed)
Go to Settings > Warehouses and archive the warehouse as shown in screenshot.
While archiving, select the replacement warehouse as the same to which you have transferred the stock.