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How to create and use Suppliers?
How to create and use Suppliers?
Ankit Goyal avatar
Written by Ankit Goyal
Updated over 3 months ago

Supplier Fields Explained



Company name

Name of your supplier’s company.

Supplier code

A unique code or nickname to identify each supplier. It is a mandatory field.

Contact Person

The first name and last name of the contact person for your supplier.

Contact Number

Contact number of the supplier or the contact person.


The contact email for the supplier. Emailed Purchase orders are sent to this address.


The currency that your supplier operates in. This is the currency used for the Purchase order of this supplier.

Payment Terms

Your payment terms with your supplier. This is also copied to purchase orders.


You can add any other information about the supplier here. This is also copied to purchase orders.


Your supplier’s address. This is printed on the Purchase order.

How to create a Supplier?

To create a new supplier, follow the steps:

  1. Go to the suppliers list page and click on “Add Supplier”

  2. Enter all the fields and click on save.

How to import Suppliers List (in bulk)?

Click here to download the Sample file with all column headers from here.

  • You may export the existing Supplier list to get the same file or download the sample file from above.

  • Once downloaded, fill in the details. All fields except code are optional to fill.

  • Import the file from Supplier list table.

You can only upload 5000 suppliers in a single import. If you have more than 5000 suppliers, you could split the number of suppliers into multiple CSV files and upload them.

When importing currency, you have to enter the 3-letter currency codes as per the ISO 4217 standards. Check currency codes from here: Currency Codes

While importing country, you have to enter the 2-letter country codes as per the ISO standard. You can find the 2-letter country codes here: Country Codes

Editing Suppliers in Bulk

  1. Export the existing Supplier list.

  2. Edit the supplier data in the downloaded sheet.

    It is highly recommended to use google drive for editing the exported supplier CSV file.


    You can change the following fields - Supplier Code, Currency, Company Name, First and last name of contact person, Payment terms, Notes, Email, Phone, Address (Address lines, city, state, country and pincode).

  3. Save the file in CSV format and Import the file.

Do not change or delete the id column for editing existing suppliers. And, you can only upload 5000 suppliers in a single import. If you have more than 5000 suppliers, you could split the number of suppliers into multiple CSV files and upload them.

How to link Suppliers and Products?

You can link suppliers and products through purchase prices. Each product can have multiple purchase prices associated with it. Purchase prices enable you to specify the supplier offering the price and include other information such as the Supplier SKU. You may leave all other fields blank or 0 except supplier and product.

More information on purchase prices: How to use and create purchase prices?

Importing Suppliers via Shopify

Vendors in Products on Shopify can be synced to Sumtracker automatically through the Save Vendor Information setting.

If you have added vendors to your products in Shopify, they can be imported as Suppliers to Sumtracker.

  1. Vendors in Products gets synced to Sumtracker as Suppliers.

  2. The Suppliers are automatically linked to Products in Sumtracker through Purchase prices. By default, a purchase price of 0 is added in the purchase prices. They are created primarily to link supplier and products. Purchase prices can be edited later on.

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