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January 2023 Release notes
January 2023 Release notes
Nidhis A D avatar
Written by Nidhis A D
Updated this week

Cost Price in Products

Cost Price of products is now updated automatically when you receive a Purchase order. See how the cost price is updated

Purchase orders

Currency conversion factor

When the PO currency is different than your base currency, this value will be used to multiply the product cost to get the final landed cost of the product. Sumtracker will auto fill the latest currency conversion rate at the time of creating the PO. You can change this value as per your need.

Shipment tracking details

You can save the shipment carrier, tracking number and tracking url for the PO to track shipment against the PO.


Warehouse ordering

You can set the order in which warehouses appear in all the filters. The priority 1 warehouse is selected by default. To set the warehouse ordering go to settings > warehouses > set warehouse ordering button. See help guide

Archiving a warehouse

Now when you archive a warehouse the stock levels for the warehouse are removed. But all the historical reports remain as it is.


We've added bundle and component inventory tabs on bundles edit page. We've also added booked inventory column in Bundles list.


Added Adjust Stock Report to view total stock adjustment for a product for a particular reason.

This Report can be viewed under Stock Reports > Adjust Stock Report

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